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Welcome to INFINIT I

If you are reading this, you are seeking a higher truth. This is the age of knowledge, technology and transparency but there are two paths for humanity to choose from. We will either continue to support the control system and continue to be dependent upon the things the elite hoard for profit or we will choose sovereignty from the matrix. The Matrix is the mental construct which we are all programmed to support from birth. Birth certificates, Social Security ID's, financial systems, royalty pretending to be "special" and the only one's worthy of ruling and the programming that we must work for a piece of paper or digits in the form of credit in order to purchase the things that were hoarded by the elite rulers. Rather than being taught from birth about our innate abilities as human beings, rather than nurturing those abilities and how to sustain ourselves without being dependent upon governments, religions and corporations, we are told that we will die without them. We are kept in a state of fear and longing so that we are more easily controlled and enslaved to their system. This is called the Beast System. 

We were warned about the Beast System in the Christian bible and many other scriptures from many other cultures. But the ones who constructed the bible did so in a way in which it could be taught in a false context. Though the bible is filled with accurate truth those truths are twisted into false context. For example, the Christ we are told is one man that returns to save us at the end of the world. However, there was no word "Christ" in the original scriptures written in Aramaic and Hebrew. The word used was Malachi meaning messenger when referring to the Esu. Esu means I AM SUSTAINED. I ETERNAL. INFINITE I. 

 The sustenance they refer to is the Chrism. The Greek word Cristos means anointed in oil. The oils are the sacred fluids from the brain which descend your spine every month for two and a half days when the moon is in your sun sign. These teachings about raising CHRISM were not about one man being raised up off the wooden cross. How do I know this is the truth? Because it is impossible for the "Lord" to be crucified in the Place of the Skull (Galgotha) as it says in the bible and also in Sodom (Revelations). They were speaking of the actual skull. The pituitary gland is the Master or LORD and called Mari. Mari means Lord. Your skull and anyone who practiced this discipline is a disciple of CHRIST. The Santa Claustrum as it is called moves down the spine like Santa bringing gifts down the chimney. This is not a coincidence. The stories of Santa and of Geezus are either the result of mockery of the true raising of the Chrism or they were secretly being told to communicate the truth using analogies. But it is in fact all the same thing. 

The biggest secret kept from humanity by the Vatican and anyone paying allegiance to these rulers that hoard gold and other forms of wealth and knowledge, food, water, technologies is that the human being is sustained when they receive this MANNA from heaven, the SOMA, Milk and Honey of the body when it is in a pristine state. We operate optimally when we raise the Chrism by storing it up each month and at the end of the year we should be celebrating raising chrism in mass which is truly Christ Mass. Rather than eating the flesh of dead animals, fighting over toys in stores, worshiping trees that we cut down, spending money on things we do not need, we would be refraining from drink and food  and meditating together bringing peace to the world. 

The secret does not end here. Ultimately humans are occupying a Hell realm. Tartaria. This upper Hell was designed by a lesser God. Esu the Teacher in the Bible refers to this demiurge as Satan. Satan means opposer which is the EGO. Self preservation ego and lower animal nature want to rule. But our higher mind KNOWS what we need. The higher mind is the "Father", "Allaha", "Abba". It is all the same. The serpent energy is our untamed emotional energy of the body. We are in fact the Tree of Life made in the image of the greater cosmic Tree of Life. When we eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil we are choosing to allow the EGO to go back and forth between left and right brain presuming to KNOW what is best, what is good and what is evil. But good and evil are subjective. Evil is defined as someone that causes intentional harm. But ultimately it is still illusion. What we are is not flesh. The battle is not against the flesh but spirit. This means we are all fighting internal battles to be at peace. Peace is non duality truth. Peace is being present in this truth, stilling thoughts, seeing everything for what it is without being emotionally attached to the dramas of life. Observing, caring and acting compassionately is possible without mentally being distraught over adversities. This is the key to ascension for humans. 

This blog is devoted to teaching these truths and assisting humans ready to take their practice to the next level. Everyone has their own work to do. Everyone struggles. It is this realization and compassion for others that allows us to move out of anger, fear, hate and despair and into BEING LOVE. Love is a wave. It is not a fantasy. Love is all that "matters". Because without Lo PHI waves of golden ratio unfolding and non destructive implosion we would have no Magnetic Field. The MAGI, The Magdalene is the Magnetic Field or TOROID that is the cup of immortality. It is the Holy Grail.Notice the Chalice in the toroidal field below. 

This leads us to the Flat Earth Movement. Though there is a worldwide campaign to belittle and censor the Flat Earth Theory which is a red flag in of itself. Scientists should be explaining how two inverse models such as the Heliocentric and Geocentric models can provide math, eye witnesses  and logic to support the same phenomenon. But they seem extremely angry about this scientific theory that is actually the very obvious. The horizon is flat therefore the burden of proof lies with the person claiming we live on a ball. But we are programmed to accept that we are walking on a spinning ball from day one even when there has never been any proof of this at all. CGI photos from the sky using wide angle lenses are not considered tangible proof. If we accept photos as proof then Bigfoot is definitely real without question. But it seems people readily believe authority over the average human and accept what is essentially a double standard. 

The truth about the world structure, the innate abilities of the human being and how we have all been deceived will be revealed here at Infinit I. You can also find my book on Amazon in a Kindle version and paperback. This is my life's work, to share knowledge that brings liberation and peace to every single human being that is brave enough to open their heart and mind and challenge their own belief system. I am not telling you what to believe. I am asking you to consider and comprehend something that could set you free.
